BREAKUP or DIVORCE RECOVERY: Three Strategies to Help

by Relationship Coach Rinatta Paries on November 29, 2011

in Breakup Recovery Tips, Divorce Recovery Tips

BREAKUP or DIVORCE RECOVERY: You know the relationship is over. You want to let him or her go. But you still have feelings for him and her and the desire to reach out in hopes of bringing the relationship back is almost too strong to resist. What do you do?

Three strategies:
1. Focus on you and your life
2. Think about something else instead
3. Write a goodbye letters.

Do these sound like fluff? They are not. Actually, if you do them, you will recover faster and more fully and will be able to create a happier life going forward.

What other strategies can you used to help yourself in breakup and divorce recovery? Tell me in the comments below.

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Sharron December 5, 2011 at 6:09 am

Divorce and break ups are emotionally draining.
The three strategies are brilliant advice, I ended up doing all of them.

rose November 30, 2011 at 10:02 pm

Hi Renata,
I will try all your suggestions above to be able to handle a very painfull break up I am going through.
My parnter of 7 yeasr acused me of cheating and walk out of my life I have no social network or friends because I devoted all my spare time to him and no matter what I do he just wipe me out of his life and I felt worst than a thunder bolt heating someone left right and centre.
I will let you know if your above suggestions will work I hope it will as I feel like I am a living dead inside.

SM November 29, 2011 at 3:10 pm

I think it’s important that people acknowledge their feelings (e.g., writing/journaling, talking with a trusted friend/counselor). In the past, I would ignore my feelings and focus on other things. I would focus on myself but in the wrong way (e.g., shopping with money I didn’t have). I also think it’s imperative to surround yourself with positive, upbeat people. Reading/reciting positive affirmations is also helpful. I remind myself of other difficult situations I have overcome and tell myself that I will overcome this as well.

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